Massage against sadness

Le massage contre la tristesse

A title like this may come as a surprise. How can massage help with sadness? This short, straight-to-the-point article will explain it to you.

Gustave Flaubert could also say "Beware of sadness, it is a vice". Massage is thus a virtue that brings back joy in well-being. It makes a dream seller to express oneself in this way. Read and you will understand.

Massage allows you to refocus on what is essential

Massage is a moment that you give yourself to take care of yourself and intrinsically of yourself. Your body is thus cared for by the hands of the masseur or the massage device reproducing human hands. For information, Massage Santé offers many devices in this context for those who cannot afford the regular services of a professional masseur. The acquisition of a massage device allows you to have a masseur that you can use at your convenience at any time of the week.

This moment out of time when you are massaged then devotes you to your inner fullness. You only think about your well-being far from problems by refocusing on your health and the chance to live in the present moment. Joy returns with each kneading of the massage as the sculpture takes shape with each gesture of the sculptor.

The massage thus reminds us of the chance to live by becoming fully aware of the strength of the present moment.


Massage is certainly a powerful way to refocus on the strength of the present moment by becoming aware of the chance to live. Of course, life is far from being a long, quiet river. But sadness must not overwhelm your boat that carries you towards your destiny. Joy is in meditation in its innermost depths, because massage emphasizes the importance of not forgetting oneself in this world that pushes one to forget oneself.