Massage therapy using massage devices

La massothérapie par les appareils de massage

Massage therapy is a word that comes up often in discussions about wellness.

But what is massage therapy?

The name is easily recognizable by the addition of two terms: massage and therapy . It designates a set of massage methods to treat the body by stimulating blood circulation in particular. Massage devices designed to reproduce the hands of a masseur can thus perfectly fit into a massage therapy approach.

For thousands of years, massage has been known for its highly therapeutic nature. We invite you to read the history of massage . In this context, massage therapy is a science used from primitive origins to today to take care of the body.

The etymology of the word massage is also unequivocal. It comes from the Greek word massein meaning to knead. It thus represents the action of kneading the body with the hands. Like the baker working the dough, the masseur kneads the body. This time, not to put the fruit of his work in the oven, but so that the person being massaged feels the massage as a blessing for his health.

Why then are massage devices ideal for massage therapy?

Massagers are optimal because they have the advantage of being designed for the long term. When a massage is one-off with a professional masseur, the massager allows you to perform a massage every day. This regularity is beneficial because the body feels a repetition in the care given to it.

Some will then retort that a massage can also be done every day with a professional masseur. Yes, most certainly, but the cost is not the same. The average cost of a massage by a professional masseur is 100 euros. Someone who would like to have a massage every day with a professional masseur would have to pay 3000 euros per month while with a massage device, a single expense of a hundred euros (Massage Santé offers many products below this price for all budgets), would allow them to have a massage every day of the year for several years.


The massage device is truly a major ally of massage therapy. It allows to democratize this noble practice for the body. Taking care of your body is taking care of your being. The massage devices offered by Massage Santé are thus at your entire disposal in this context.