Massage therapy obviously has important virtues. You take care of your health, because massage activates blood circulation and therefore cell regeneration. If you want to read about the benefits of massage, do not hesitate to read our article .
At Massage Santé, we certainly believe in the noble value of massage and we want to democratize it to as many people as possible through massage devices designed for well-being.
But massage is not just about mechanical action (whether with hands or a device). Massage is a whole universe and in this article we will explore the relationship between massage and massage oils as well as the synergies between massage devices and massage oils.
The Relationship Between Massage and Massage Oils
A massage is an experience. This experience of positive sensation for the body can therefore be enriched by the presence of massage oil. The oil thus accompanies the hand in contact with the body, it embraces the skin in synergy and becomes a perfect communicator for the massage. Also, scented oils add a scent in fragrance to sublimate the massage experience with a pleasant olfactory touch. The relationship is therefore obvious. The natural massage oils offered by MassageSanté are also rich in nutrients and antioxidants with all the qualities inherent in taking care of your skin as well as your body in depth.
Can a massage device be combined with the application of massage oil?
This is an excellent question and it is quite possible by taking a few precautions. First, check that your device does not have any contraindications for oils in the instructions accompanying the product. This is only a precautionary measure, because for most devices synergy with massage oils is possible.
As with a real massage with a professional, the massage with your massage device can therefore be accompanied by a massage oil. You only need to apply the oil deeply first on your skin and not on the device and then you should have a clean cloth to wipe the device after each massage. A massage oil is also perfectly used with the wooden massage rollers offered at Massage Santé. It is very interesting to be able to have a massage experience at home without having to pay for a service from a professional masseur.
A real massage at home with an oil that enhances the experience is entirely possible. At MassageSanté , you can find a whole range of massage devices as well as oils to accompany you in your moments of well-being.